Special Offer!
25/02/20 18:14
I am currently running ads on Craigslist for the following services and at the prices listed.
Mention this post when you contact me and for a limited time, you too can have the Craigslist priced session!!!!
Headshots $49!
Pet Pawtraiture Only $99!
Sexy Boudoir/ Pin Up Session Only $150!
Sexy Boudoir Photography
03/10/18 11:41
Link to Sexy Boudoir Photography page with samples.
More in depth talk about the positive effects of a Sexy Boudoir Photoshoot.

When my partner, at the time, first advertised that I did Sexy Boudoir Photography in my studio, over 20 years ago, she thought it was a good idea, saying that I was safe and nonthreatening.
The studio was located behind a lesbian owned adult/ sex toy store, they too thought this was a good idea, along with doing lesbian and gay portraiture and family shoots.
Those delightful women sent me many clients.
Over the years, I have been witness to, as a result of my photography, the powerful, positive changes that can happen to a person as a result of a Boudoir Photoshoot.
One woman, I will call Rosie, originally came in telling me that she wanted to do sexy pictures for her boyfriend that was in the service. When she got her album of images, this was back in the film and print days, she was floored.
Tears of joy filled her eyes.
She had never seen herself naked in photos, only in the mirror.
Unknown to me, she had an eating disorder and she told me how her body would morph and change into something ugly in the mirror.
She was never able to see what she really looked like until these photos.
Rosie stopped by the studio a couple of weeks later, still beaming and told me how she carried her album with her everywhere she went and would even show complete strangers her little book that empowered her and made her feel so good about herself.
Rosie also admitted that the photos really were for herself and not for her boyfriend.
Years later, I came across an article about a study showing that Sexy Photoshoots actually do have a positive, long lasting effect on the person's self image. Something I saw first hand with Rosie.
Another woman named Carol, who was in no means a model and most would classify her as “average”, came into the studio one afternoon.
She was nervous and as she put it “at the end of her ropes”.
The man she had been living with for 5 years was the love of her life and she really wanted him to commit and propose to her.
She said she had tried everything, including breaking up with him at one point.
Finally, at the advice of the women in the toy store, she decided to try a sexy photoshoot!
She was indeed nervous, but with the help of her friend, that came along for support, she was finally able to relax and had a great deal of fun.
She had brought costumes and such with her so we got a huge variety of images.
When her album was ready, she loved her photos and the next day she came back to the studio, overflowing with joy!
She told me of how she went out to dinner with her boyfriend and she presented him with the album.
He was overwhelmed that she would do and create such a thing for him, adding that “Any woman that would do that for me, I don’t ever want to lose!”
According to her, after dinner they went home, and made love like never before and afterwards before they fell into sleep, he proposed to her!

A couple of months later, I ran into her on the street, with her new husband, she introduced me, we shook hands, he thanked me for work I had done and they ordered a large poster of one of her images to hang in their bedroom.
John was another client with a vastly different story.
All his life he had been fat and as a result felt he was picked on, made fun of, and passed over in the workplace.
He spent the year previous to calling the studio, changing his diet and working out regularly and on the year anniversary of deciding he wanted to change, he wanted to document how far he had come.
Although he still felt fat, the resulting images showed him a man in great physical shape with definition to his muscles.
He stated that he really couldn’t see it until he saw the images.
Most of the images we shot were of him nude, he chose one of the ones with him in his boxing shorts to be made into an oversize print for his home, so he wouldn’t have to take it down when his mum came to visit.
John worked hard to achieve his goal and was proud!
Link to Sexy Boudoir Photography page with samples.
More in depth talk about the positive effects of a Sexy Boudoir Photoshoot.

When my partner, at the time, first advertised that I did Sexy Boudoir Photography in my studio, over 20 years ago, she thought it was a good idea, saying that I was safe and nonthreatening.
The studio was located behind a lesbian owned adult/ sex toy store, they too thought this was a good idea, along with doing lesbian and gay portraiture and family shoots.
Those delightful women sent me many clients.
Over the years, I have been witness to, as a result of my photography, the powerful, positive changes that can happen to a person as a result of a Boudoir Photoshoot.
One woman, I will call Rosie, originally came in telling me that she wanted to do sexy pictures for her boyfriend that was in the service. When she got her album of images, this was back in the film and print days, she was floored.
Tears of joy filled her eyes.
She had never seen herself naked in photos, only in the mirror.
Unknown to me, she had an eating disorder and she told me how her body would morph and change into something ugly in the mirror.
She was never able to see what she really looked like until these photos.
Rosie stopped by the studio a couple of weeks later, still beaming and told me how she carried her album with her everywhere she went and would even show complete strangers her little book that empowered her and made her feel so good about herself.
Rosie also admitted that the photos really were for herself and not for her boyfriend.
Years later, I came across an article about a study showing that Sexy Photoshoots actually do have a positive, long lasting effect on the person's self image. Something I saw first hand with Rosie.
Another woman named Carol, who was in no means a model and most would classify her as “average”, came into the studio one afternoon.
She was nervous and as she put it “at the end of her ropes”.
The man she had been living with for 5 years was the love of her life and she really wanted him to commit and propose to her.
She said she had tried everything, including breaking up with him at one point.
Finally, at the advice of the women in the toy store, she decided to try a sexy photoshoot!
She was indeed nervous, but with the help of her friend, that came along for support, she was finally able to relax and had a great deal of fun.
She had brought costumes and such with her so we got a huge variety of images.
When her album was ready, she loved her photos and the next day she came back to the studio, overflowing with joy!
She told me of how she went out to dinner with her boyfriend and she presented him with the album.
He was overwhelmed that she would do and create such a thing for him, adding that “Any woman that would do that for me, I don’t ever want to lose!”
According to her, after dinner they went home, and made love like never before and afterwards before they fell into sleep, he proposed to her!

A couple of months later, I ran into her on the street, with her new husband, she introduced me, we shook hands, he thanked me for work I had done and they ordered a large poster of one of her images to hang in their bedroom.
John was another client with a vastly different story.
All his life he had been fat and as a result felt he was picked on, made fun of, and passed over in the workplace.
He spent the year previous to calling the studio, changing his diet and working out regularly and on the year anniversary of deciding he wanted to change, he wanted to document how far he had come.
Although he still felt fat, the resulting images showed him a man in great physical shape with definition to his muscles.
He stated that he really couldn’t see it until he saw the images.
Most of the images we shot were of him nude, he chose one of the ones with him in his boxing shorts to be made into an oversize print for his home, so he wouldn’t have to take it down when his mum came to visit.
John worked hard to achieve his goal and was proud!
Link to Sexy Boudoir Photography page with samples.