About This Website

A straight forward honest representation of my work.
There are no forced slideshows. You get a page of thumbnail images of my work and it is your choice to enlarge them.
There is no waiting for things to load or to proceed to the next file before you see if my work is suitable for your needs.
On these pages you will find my personal favorite images, as varied as the clients I am hired to photograph.
The one slideshow that I put together, consists of some of my favorite images from each gallery.
Captions are there, mostly, to make the site more search engine friendly.
I hope you enjoy your visit and please feel free to send any questions or comments via the contact page.
Scattered through out the site are various self portraits, giving me the chance to be an actor, all looking different and all amusing to me in different ways!
Image above: Sea Captain Smoking Clay Pipe At Night ©Stephen Orsillo
Website Building
It has been almost two weeks since I started building the new version of the SAOPhoto website.
After a couple of snags, a crash or two, and relearning some html, things are moving along quite nicely.
Working on two different computers and having the majority of my work on an external hard drive does slow things down a little.
And so with this little note to myself, I take a break and enjoy some fresh air coupled with some freshly brewed coffee.
Photo above: Frangipani/ Plumeria©Stephen Orsillo
Fun Fact! Frangipani was named after the Italian nobleman Marquis Muzio Frangipani who invented a perfume for scenting gloves!